Prince William LAUGHS After Man's Cheeky Comments About Kate Middleton


In a recent article, it was reported that Prince William laughed after a man made cheeky comments about Kate Middleton. The incident occurred during a visit to a charity organization, where the man jokingly suggested that Prince William would need to watch his back because Kate Middleton was nearby. Despite the lighthearted nature of the comment, Prince William was seen laughing and appeared to take the joke in good humor. 

The interaction between the man and Prince William highlights the relaxed and approachable nature of the royal couple, who are known for their down-to-earth personalities.


This incident provides a glimpse into the personal dynamics of the royal family and shows that they are able to engage with the public in a casual and friendly manner. Overall, the article suggests that Prince William's reaction to the cheeky comments about Kate Middleton was one of amusement and demonstrates the couple's ability to handle playful interactions with grace and humor.

